Windows Vista serial number
Serial Number Microsoft Windows Vista
Microsoft Windows Vista
Version: Build 5308
S/N: Client_S/N: R4HB8-QGQK4-79X38-QH3HK-Q3PJ6
Microsoft Windows XP Vista
Version: Vista BETA Build RC1
Vista XP RC1 BETAS/N: P2B8TKRHJWB7KMH3KM29Y3XBY** THIS IS ONLY A BETA!! ** I would recommend using TWO hard drives, keeping your present info on the original, and formating the vista.iso onto the second. I say this because after the BETA testing per
Product: windows vista
Version: 2006
Name: cristi sutaS/N: TCP8W-T8PQJ-WWRRH-QH76C-99FBWask me for more info
Product: Windows Vista 32 bit
Version: 5308
S/N: WGDJW-B8DYC-WVKX4-6MKF4-B8PK8make sure not to reg.
Windows Vista 5308
Version: 5308